Founded nearly 7 decades ago by our own member Joseph Jones Jr., Guide Dogs of America (GDA) was created due to his personal experience where he found himself entering his old age and losing his eyesight. He would ask his fellow siblings at the Executive Council of IAMAW for assistance in receiving a seeing eye dog. The Council discovered a growing need for service dogs, that would help the blind and visually impaired. The decision was made to assist Brother Jones and help him open International Guiding Eyes in 1948. As the decades passed eventually International Guiding Eyes would evolve into Guide Dogs of America, with the intent of better communicating their mission. Even in their most recent history they have merged with Tender Loving Canines (TLC), an organisation dedicated to help Veterans to receive service dogs designed to meet their wide range of needs.
Through our extensive and continued work with GDA. IAMAW is proud to host fundraisers in order to gather donations to help maintain the varying and plentiful services GDA provides. Services like training, transportation, and specialized skills and equipment. During events like our 5th Annual Colorado Machinist Golf Tournament Benefiting Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines we are able to continue providing the funds required. Events like this help individuals like Anne and her dog, Haven, who attended last Friday’s event. In Anne’s search for a quality and specialized experience she was able to work with the GDA and was soon grateful for the small student to trainer ratio and the well trained dogs that fully embody their roles as service animals. Anne can be quoted calling Haven her own safe haven. Once you get to know the pair you can truly understand the fantastic efforts that are made by all parties involved to guarantee a simpler and stress free life for both person and animal.
For years to come IAMAW is excited to continue and progress all efforts in supporting the GDA and TLC. Without the tireless efforts of organizations like these we would not be able to see a world where our fellow humans would know peace and simple living.